Searchable abstracts of presentations at key conferences on reproductive biology and medicine
Reproduction Abstracts (2014) 1 P312 | DOI: 10.1530/repabs.1.P312

WCRB2014 POSTER PRESENTATIONS (1) (335 abstracts)

Metallothionein gene expression in green mussels (Perna viridis) as a bioindicator for heavy metal on the North Coast of Java and its impact on the development of reproductive organs

Yulia Irnidayanti , Shofy Septiana & Apriliana Layli Fitri

Jakarta State of Universiy, Jakartra, Indonesia.

Jakarta Bay with 13 rivers that flow into, have experienced contamination and is the most polluted bays in Asia as a result of industrial and household waste. At this time, there are approximately five million kinds of chemicals that have been identified and have been known to 60 000 types of them have been used, even 1000 of other kinds and new chemicals freely traded every year. One of the B3 waste is heavy metals. Various ways have been conducted to measure the effects of environmental damage, one of them by measuring the level of contaminants in the environment or by the accumulation of toxic compounds in the tissues of organisms. Biological response, a biomarker is a sensitive indicator but need a relevant prediction. Protein metalotionin is a special bio-indicators of the heavy metals in the tissues. The nature of the toxic and hazardous heavy metals, indicated by the physical and chemical properties of materials, both quality and quantity. The entry of these wastes into the ocean waters has caused water pollution. In the cytoplasm of metal ions will bind to the protein metalotionin, so it accumulates in the cell. Thus metalotionin protein serves as a means for stockpiling metal detoxification. Shellfish can accumulate more metals than other aquatic animals and have a high tolerance to certain metals, so that these marine species can be used as an indicator to study the level of pollution in aquatic ecosystems. The ability to bind metal ions depends on metalotionin protein expression and regulation of its expression depending on the metal ions into the body. Result indicate that The pollution has an impact on reproductive organs mussels female and male, can even damage the organism on the cellular level and may affect the ecological balance.

Volume 1

World Congress of Reproductive Biology 2014

Edinburgh, UK
02 Sept 2014 - 04 Sept 2014

World Congress of Reproductive Biology 

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