Searchable abstracts of presentations at key conferences on reproductive biology and medicine
Reproduction Abstracts (2014) 1 P206 | DOI: 10.1530/repabs.1.P206

WCRB2014 POSTER PRESENTATIONS (1) (335 abstracts)

Prostaglandin J2 added to artificial insemination sperm dosage reduces the expression of the inflammatory genes in uterus sow

Maria Jose Izquierdo Rico 1 , J W Ross 2 , C Soriano-Úbeda 1 , I Hernández-Caravaca 1 , L Vieira 1 , C Matás 1 & F A García-Vázquez 1

1University Of Murcia, Murcia, Spain; 2Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa, USA.

Introduction: Billions of sperm are used during porcine artificial insemination (AI) but only a few thousand are able to reach ampullary-isthmic junction of the oviduct to facilitate fertilization. One of the mechanisms which reduce this sperm population is the inflammatory reaction that takes place within the uterus following insemination. Prostaglandin J2, also known as 15-deoxy-Delta-12,14-prostaglandin J2 (15d-PGJ2) is a recently discovered prostaglandin which is recognized by the receptor peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma (PPARγ). This property is responsible for many of the 15d-PGJ2 anti-inflammatory functions described in multiple organs and tissues. The aim of this study was to determinate if the addition of exogenous 15d-PGJ2 to the insemination dosage could reduce the inflammatory response within the uterus.

Material and methods: Two groups of sows were inseminated using post-cervical IA: i) control group: 500 million sperm in 20 ml; ii) PGJ2 group: 500 million sperm in 20 ml, 15d-PGJ2 (10 μM). Twenty-four hours after AI, uterine samples were obtained by surgical laparotomy. Total RNA was extracted from samples and cDNA was synthesized. Different genes related with the inflammatory response (COX-2, TNF-α, IL8, ILlβ, and NFKβ1) were analyzed using real-time PCR.

Results and discussion: The expression of the five genes analyzed was reduced in the sows inseminated with 15d-PGJ2 in comparison with the control group (NFKβ1: twofold decrease; COX-2 and TNF-α: threefold decrease; ILlβ and IL8: fourfold decrease). This could indicate a reduction in uterine immune reaction allowing more sperm to reach the oviduct. Supported by AGL2012-40180-C03-01-02, European Commission (FEDER/ERDF) and Fundación Séneca (0452/GERM/06).

Volume 1

World Congress of Reproductive Biology 2014

Edinburgh, UK
02 Sept 2014 - 04 Sept 2014

World Congress of Reproductive Biology 

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