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Reproduction Abstracts (2014) 1 P187 | DOI: 10.1530/repabs.1.P187

WCRB2014 POSTER PRESENTATIONS (1) (335 abstracts)

Leukemia inhibitor factor (LIF) is essential for long term maintenance of pluripotency of porcine induced pluripotent stem cells*

Sang Ki Baek 1 , Tae Suk Kim 2 , Song Yi Moon 3 , Sang Jin Jin 1 , Yeoung Gyu Ko 4 , Sung Woo Kim 5 , Hwan Hoo Seong 4 & Joon Hee Lee 3

1Animal Development and Biotechnology Group, Department of Animal Bioscience, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Gyeongsang National University, Jin ju, Republic of Korea; 2Institute of Agriculture and Life Science, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Gyeongsang National University, Jinju 660-701, Republic of Korea; 3Animal Development and Biotechnology Group, Department of Animal Bioscience, Jin ju, Republic of Korea; 4Animal Genetic Resources Station, National Institute of Animal Science, Namwon, Republic of Korea; 5National Institute of Animal Science, Rural Development Administration, kwonsun-Gu, Republic of Korea.

piPS cells are divided into naïve and primed states. These states may depend on culture conditions with/without cytokines. Only piPS cells of naïve state have the capacity for producing chimeric offspring and long term maintenance of pluripotency. The objective of this study was to generate piPS cells of naïve state under culture conditions with 2i of the Erk/2 and of GSK3. PFFs were transduced with SIX reprogramming factors. After the transduction piPS cells were plated in DMEM, LIF and bFGF. Colonies were individually picked by manual method, replaced in culture mediums containing LIF, bFGF or 2i. As results, piPS cells at passage ten grown by the culture medium supplemented with LIF and LIF 2i were presented morphology of ‘naïve’ stem cells and positively AP activity, whereas the piPS cells in bFGF and bFGF 2i culture conditions were shown as the morphology of ‘prime’ stem cells. The piPS cells cultured with LIF and LIF 2i induced expressions of pluripotent and naïve specific markers but primed specific markers. Exogenous reprogramming factors were also expressed in both LIF and bFGF culture conditions. piPS cells in culture conditions with LIF and LIF 2i were positively exhibited antibodies against OCT4, NANOG, SOX2. These results indicated that PFFs after the transduction of exogenous reprogramming factors could be converted into the pluripotent cells and retained long term maintenance of pluripotency in LIF and LIF 2i culture conditions.

*This work was carried out with the support of NPR (2011-0013703), ‘Cooperative Research Program for Agriculture Science and Technology Development (PJ009418022014, PJ009117022014)’ RDA, Korea.

Volume 1

World Congress of Reproductive Biology 2014

Edinburgh, UK
02 Sept 2014 - 04 Sept 2014

World Congress of Reproductive Biology 

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